22101 Moross Rd., Detroit MI 43286

(313) 343-8797 sjhemergency@gmail.com

EMRAM Sim Wars 2019 Champions

On April 16th, we joined several other Michigan emergency medicine residency programs in Saginaw for the annual EMRAM Sim Wars hosted by Central Michigan University. We had two Sim teams participate, and our third year team took first place!



Congratulations to Shawn Munafo, JD Sheets, Kevin Chang and Marc Goulet! Also shout out to Dr. Fisher and Dr. Weiner for working diligently on preparing us for Sim all year and helping to host this competition. 



Additionally, several of our residents were able to present the research they have been working on this past year. Prizes were awarded for both poster presentations and oral presentations. We’re very proud to say that our very own Kyle Nedic took first place in the oral presentation for his research titled “Absence of Delayed Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Minor Head Trauma in Patient on Direct Acting Oral Anticoagulants.” 


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